Monday, October 17, 2011


A:Millions of people live in slums world wide, it's our responsibility to make the difference.
B:Slums are over over crowded citys in which people pay a dollar to live every day.Slums have poor, diseased, sad people that are living in the worst of conditions.
C:Slums have a negative effect on populations through the rapid spread of disease, the angry and unsocial people who live in slums, and the creation of over population.
D:With such horrible sanitary conditions diseases spread like wild fires.
A. Wide varietys of diseases spread quickly in slums.
B:Source B Says"..."Diseases spread rapidly with all the major risks and health factors the people in the slums are forced to face.
C:This quote shows how diseases are spread and affect the people living in that area.
D:With all these diseases people in slums more than likely use this as a reason to be so angry and unsocial.
A:People in slums are angry and unsocial because of the way they live.
B:Source D says"..."The people that live in slums have never experienced anything better they only know what the slum life is like, it isnt that great at all.
C:This quote shows how the conditions and treatment in slums creates people to act a certain way.
D:With so many angry people, they must live somewhere.
A:With so many peoppl efacing the challange in poverty they all live in cities, creating them over populated to an extreme extent.
B:Source A says"..."  So many people crowd one citie with lack of money to go any where else.
C:This quote shows how slums are a main reason for over population in cities.
D:With all these points in mind living in a slum must be unbearable.
A:Humans need to realize whats going on in this world and face it, Slums are a part of our populations.
B:Slums are over over crowded citys in which people pay a dollar to live every day.Slums have poor, diseased, sad people that are living in the worst of conditions.
C:These points all show how slums have a negative affect on our earth and how they should be changed.
D:People living in slums Spend one dollar a day to live, thats 365 dollars for a whole year, imagine how much money you spend in one day, its more than likely alot more than that.

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